Saturday 4th of May.at 8.00 – 9.30Medical examination and weigh in, enrollment of the R&Js.
at 11.00Draw
at 12.30R&J Meeting
at 13.00Competition
at 18.00Competition
Sunday 5th of May.at 8.00Medical examination
at 9.30R&J Meeting
at 10.00Final bouts


International Pirkka Tournament is held annually in May in Tampere, Finland. The legacy of Pirkka Tournament started in 1987 and Tampere Boxing Association took charge of the organizing in 1989.

The tournament has been held every year since that and in 2023 we celebrated 35th edition of Pirkka Tournament. In 2020 and 2021 we were forced to cancel the tournament due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore the 34th edition was held in May 2022 in special circumstances. The 36th Pirkka Tournament will be held on 4.-5. May 2024 at a new location close to the city center: Pyynikki Sports Hall.

Pirkka Tournament is well known, good standard boxing tournament. During the past 40+ years Tampere Boxing Association has gained a worldwide reputation as high level tournament organizer with experience from small gym competitions and annually held Elite Tammer Tournament to European Boxing Championships in 1981 and 2000 as well as World Boxing Championships in 1993.

During the 35 years of Pirkka Tournament history we’ve had the pleasure to host teams from 22 different countries addition to Finnish clubs: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel and USA.